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Leverage from Business Opportunities with Microsoft Dynamics ERP Users Email List

Brands today are transforming, adding new features and capabilities in order to upgrade themselves for changing customer requirements. And in order to aid organizations to speed up business, Microsoft Dynamics ERP or Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, is all set to provide global scalability and digital intelligence. So how about getting inspired and making a move for transforming the manner in which you reach out to your audiences? How about purchasing Microsoft Dynamics ERP Users Mailing List in order to reach out to MS Dynamics global clients? At Span Global Services we want our clients to leverage from opportunities that the market presents and use data intelligently for their campaigns. The use of targeted email lists is a smart move in that it gives data-driven campaigns edge. After all, with all the effort you are putting in for securing market position, we believe it is time for you to do things different to seal your position. Use our contact list of Microsoft Dynamics ERP customers and do more from the opportunities that come your way!

Companies using Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Segregated by Top Countries, Top Industries, Data Fields & Other Details

We have data about 16,244 companies that use Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Company Name Website Headquarters Industry Revenue Employees
Actiglobal actiglobal.com Mexico IT & Services $22 Million 120
BAASS Business Solutions Inc baass.com Ontario, Canada Computer Software $31 Million 150
BluLink Solutions blulinksolutions.com Washington, US IT & Services $5 Million 25
Dallas Airmotive Inc dallasairmotive.com North Carolina, US Aviation & Aerospace $155 Million 1,000
Expeditors expeditors.com Washington, US Logistics &  Supply Chain $10 Billion 17,480
Metrolinx metrolinx.com Ontario, Canada Transportation $662 Million 4,070

Top Countries that use Microsoft Dynamics ERP

Top Industries that use Microsoft Dynamics ERP

Data Fields We Provide

Data Fields
List Utility Email Campaigns, Demand Generation, Social Outreach, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
List Delivery Guarantee 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75%+ for emails
Available Formats XLS, Text, CSV, TSV
Turn Around Time (TAT) 7-8 Business Days
Data Sources Trade Fairs & Trade Show Organizers, Opt-in Email Addresses, Leading Journals, Business Directories, Content Creators, Yellow Pages and more

Reach your Business Goals with our Microsoft Dynamics Customers List

Organizations today have different definitions of success – but profits, revenue, customers seem to be common to all. So don’t make the mistake of resting, content with all that you have achieved till date. The market is competitive and the customers you had gained over the years can be lost anytime. So while you have an old customer list, we recommend immediate email appends on them so as to cleanse and update it with contact details. With the purchase of our Microsoft Dynamics ERP Vendors Sales Database while you will be making the conscious move of connecting with new prospect, appending will ensure that old customers are not lost as well!

By providing ERP solutions for cloud and mobile, Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Operations, is used across manufacturing, retail, finance, IT and other industries. The use of our MS Dynamics 365 ERP users emailing list will therefore only ensure that no opportunities are missed out on and your campaigns can maximize response and ROI from the efforts you have put in. At Span Global Services therefore, we adopt a consultative approach to list building, in order to comprehend client campaign requirements as per regional, national and global needs and offer data accordingly. When you buy Microsoft Dynamics 365 client list therefore, you can get data-by-selects making it possible for using a data-driven-approach for reaching out to prospects by title, location, company name, industry code, revenue and more!

Give Multichannel Communications a Shot with our Database of MS Dynamics Decision Makers

Before you reject the idea of investing in our Microsoft Dynamics ERP end users mailing address list for campaigns – here’s a question for you. How well prepared are you with your campaigns? Did you know that as per research it takes almost three to five efforts to gain customer attention? So unless you are ready with numerous campaigns, preferably through different channels there is little hope of your marketing efforts delivering results. The competition in the market is intense. So make sure you take the right steps to cement your position. Using our Microsoft Dynamics ERP Software Users Email List for campaigns therefore is a good place to start from.

At Span Global Services, we build lists that are campaign-ready. Accurate, verified and comprehensive, our lists facilitate channelized communications through emails, direct mails and telemarketing, making it possible for marketers to use data across multi-channel campaigns. So here’s the thing – though email marketing is the most trending form of communication, there is a lot that can be achieved through direct mails and telemarketing as well. So get for your campaigns the List of Companies using Microsoft Dynamics ERP and notice the difference it makes!

Some of the salient features of our cost-effective, customized Microsoft Dynamics ERP vendor e-mail marketing list is:

  • Our list is verified, validated, accurate and up-to-date contact details of users, customers and business professionals
  • Our emails are highly segmented professional database with contact details like- name and title, business contact number, physical address and email id, company name, size and revenue, industry, SIC code and more
  • Regularly updated through tele-verification to remove duplicate and inaccurate data
  • Enhanced B2B marketing through direct marketing, telemarketing, event marketing, online marketing campaigns and more
  • Mailing lists collated from public records, websites, publications, business cards, trade shows, magazine subscriptions and more

So make sure you give your data-driven marketing campaigns the right resources! Get into a profitable business partnership with Microsoft Dynamics ERP Software Users Email List and let your organization grow to its full potential.

For detailed data and count requests contact us by email at: [email protected]

Some of Our Top Selling Technology Lists Similar to Microsoft Dynamics ERP are:

Related TechnologyTotal Companies Using
Microsoft Dynamics NAV2,720
SAP R/3 ERP1,808

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Frequently Asked Questions

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is a customer relationship management software created by Microsoft. It is a unique product that focuses on marketing, customer service, and sales, and has also recently evolved into an analytics platform. A large number of companies use Microsoft Dynamics CRM since it improves marketing efficiency and sales productivity.

Microsoft Dynamics CRM is used by more than 4 million businesses worldwide.

Some of the companies that use Microsoft Dynamics CRM are Actiglobal, BAASS Business Solutions Inc, BluLink Solutions, Dallas Airmotive Inc, Expeditors, and Metrolinx, based all across the globe.

The top 10 countries using Microsoft Dynamics CRM the most are: United States (11,551), United Kingdom (2,657), Canada (1,371), India (768), Australia (702), Finland (546), Mexico (517), Brazil (452), Singapore (301), and Germany (290).

The industries that use Microsoft Dynamics CRM the most are: Professional Services (4,459), IT & Services (3,261), Manufacturing (952), Healthcare (758), Retail (576), Construction (540), Non-Profit (519), and Higher Education (454).

Span Global Services guarantees a comprehensive, accurate, and updated list of Microsoft Dynamics CRM customers. Currently, we have the data of 16,244 companies that use Microsoft Dynamics CRM segregated country-wise and industry-wise. With our list, you can contact directors, managers, C-level executives, business analysts, and consultants.

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