
Companies Using Hadoop


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Get the Best Out of Your Targeted Marketing Campaign with Our List of Companies using Hadoop

Obtain verified and accurate List of Hadoop Users from Span Global Services and let your sales and marketing campaigns make unprecedented revenue. Since there are innumerable companies in the world that use Apache Hadoop, finding the right prospect for your business can be challenging. If you want your campaigns to reach such interested business prospects, Span Global Services verified list of Companies that use Hadoop will serve as your ready-to-go marketing solution. The kind of marketing you can do with our database file will be unparalleled because our list has unparalleled excellence with each prospect contact detail exclusive and precisely sorted for targeted marketing.

Apache Hadoop that runs on Java programming is an open source framework that enables organizations to process enormous volumes of structured or unstructured data and gain business insight from it. Its popular modules include Hadoop Common, HDFS, YARN and MapReduce, and is dedicated for data management, data access, security, data governance and integration and operations. With Span Global Services Hadoop Users Email List marketers can effortlessly reach their target audience through online campaigns.

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Benefits of Procuring Span Global Services’ Hadoop Users List

  • 200+ unique data attributes
  • 100% Data Refresh Every Quarter
  • Worldwide outreach with data from US, Canada, UK, Europe, Australia, and other countries
  • Fresh and active data verified quarterly with SMTP & NCOA protocols
  • All-inclusive data to facilitate multi-channel & cross-channel marketing.
  • Customized lists based on user’s need
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Companies using Hadoop, Segregated by Top Countries, Top Industries & Other Details

We have data about 63,993 companies that use Hadoop

Company Name Website Headquarters Industry Revenue Employees
4INFO 4info.com San Jose, US Marketing & Advertising $6 Million 30
AbbVie abbvie.com North Chicago, US Pharmaceuticals $45 Billion 47,000
Cloudera loudera.com Santa Clara, US Computer Software $479 Million 2,723
CTS Corporate ctscorp.com Lisle, US Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing $469 Million 3,570
MSL mslgroup.com London, UK PR & Communications $444 Million 2,300
Xtime xtime.com Redwood City, US Automotive $68 Million 350

Top Countries that use Hadoop

Top Industries that use Hadoop

List Utility Email Campaigns, Demand Generation, Social Outreach, Tele Marketing, Direct Mail
List Delivery Guarantee 90%+ for Direct mails, 85%+ for Tele-contacts and 65% to 75%+ for emails
Available Formats XLS, Text, CSV, TSV
Turn Around Time (TAT) 7-8 Business Days
Data Sources Trade Fairs & Trade Show Organizers, Opt-in Email Addresses, Leading Journals, Business Directories, Content Creators, Yellow Pages and more

Some of Our Top Selling Databases and Technology Contact Lists:

Frequently Asked Questions

Businesses can get segmented Hadoop users mailing list. The list is segmented by asset size, technology, industry, company size, location and job titles.

63,993 companies are using Hadoop and you will get Hadoop users marketing database from 324,202 contacts.

Yes, Hadoop user’s mailing list can be used for effective lead generation process that brings increased conversions

Yes, Hadoop users email list from span global services is updated quarterly and provides 98% of accuracy.

Yes, Hadoop users contact list will be well-segmented and can be utilized for highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Master data of companies using Hadoop is collected from trustworthy resources that are compliant with GDPR and other applicable laws.

Yes, the price for Hadoop mailing list varies as per the number of contacts, segmentation and other customization you opt for.

You can get Hadoop Users mailing list in XLS, CSV and text formats.

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