How to Use Data to Yield Better Outcomes for Lead Generation Strategies

Data can be your perfect resource to reap the benefits of lead generation. In this blog, we help you discover the best practices for turning your data into valuable information about your prospects and learn how customer data will help you generate and nurture leads.

Whether you’re a small business owner, a marketing specialist, or a salesperson – these strategies will put you ahead of your competition and better enable you to attract new customers.

We take you through some valuable tips for converting customer data into valuable leads for your business.

1. Mining Leads from In-house and Existing Data Repositories

Your existing database can be a goldmine of leads, and you might as well not have to look outside for building your lead generation pipeline. This requires you to keep your existing databases in good shape.

Database consistency and correctness is some of the pillars for mining qualified leads efficiently and effectively. If your database is inconsistent, then it can be a severe problem. You will need to spend hours going over tables, checking numbers, and formatting. Data inconsistencies are a significant cause of missed business opportunities.

Spending a few minutes each day checking for errors before adding new entries or appending existing ones with missing information will amplify your lead prospecting efforts. This ensures that you have a reliable and credible source of contact data for data-driven lead generation. You also get the bigger picture of your prospects!

2. Profiling your Most Prospective Customers

Profiling includes tracking visitors on your website, channelizing them to gated content, mapping trends and buying journeys of new and existing customers, and understanding your customers using social logins. These data insights are a great way of deep-diving into the needs of your customer base and can thereby help generate qualified leads quickly and efficiently.

Customer Profiling

A good understanding of your customer persona and addressing their pain points will undoubtedly result in conversions and sales. Likewise, crafting tailored content in all your communications and making it easy for customers to share their information with you is for sure going to keep your leads pipelines full and flowing.

Lead Scoring of your ideal customers and prospects based on historical data and previous interactions is another good lead generation example and fantastic way to know who is more likely to engage with you at a given point in time. Lead Scoring and profiling is a great way to get a 360- degree unified view of your customer and harness leads with relevance.

3. Leveraging Analytics and Reporting

Once you have well-segmented data ingested into CRM and market automation tools, you can leverage the power analytics on these datasets. Analytics helps you identify the most common patterns, trends as to how your customers and prospects have engaged with you in the past and help project and forecast future engagements.

Data-driven Segmentation

Modern data market automation tools help know the opportune moment to pitch for sale with lead insights derived from data analytics. Analytics help you nurture leads by getting into the granular details of customer engagement and help you craft personalized content based on where they are in the purchase journey.

With data also forming the basis for reporting, you can get a bird’s eye view of what aspects of your campaign efforts bear suitable fruits for lead generation.

4. Steering Clear form Operating in Silos

Data-driven lead generation techniques can be more effective when you have your lead management, website analytics, email marketing, and customer care services running on fully integrated platforms. By not operating in silos, you ensure that all concerned departments are on the same page about lead performance.

It ensures that you prioritize sales readiness and make yourself available to your prospects irrespective of the mode of communication they choose to engage with you.

Analyzing your data will also give you good know-how on the best communication channels for your lead generation strategies and lead prospecting needs. Every customer has their own set of preferences, and making yourself available in their preferable communication channel is an opportunity for big-ticket wins.

In Conclusion

By focusing more on the audience’s interests and preferences, you can lead them more effectively to your products and services.

Having all the behavioral data in one place opens up avenues of successful business conversations and can prove to be an effective means of sales closure.

Having a data-centric approach in your lead generation initiatives can genuinely help you reach for the stars!

Image Source: istockphoto

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