Make the Most of Your B2B Sales Leads with AI-based CRM

We’re not sure if AI will take over the world, but it is rapidly making its way into CRM. Businesses are using this powerful tool to make the most of their B2B email list, fuel decision-making, and offer a better experience to their customers. AI has made it easier than ever to predict customer behavior and demands and build a stronger relationship with them. Purchasing accurate and verified mailing lists from Span Global Services is a great place to start.

According to a Salesforce report, around 79% of companies will likely use AI in CRM by 2023. This means that even if you’re not leveraging the power of AI in your CRM, chances are you’re up against marketing and sales teams that do.

CRM and Artificial Intelligence

Are you looking to purchase email lists to drive your marketing ROI? If yes, then combining AI and CRM will help you boost the effectiveness of your campaigns. According to a Statista report, adopting Artificial Intelligence in CRM activities can generate an additional $394 billion in revenue in the United States. Moreover, the exponential increase in daily data generation has reinforced the role of AI in parsing through it.

AI makes collecting, storing, and providing customer data easier, promoting efficient data management. It transforms the sea of data in your CRM into real and actionable customer insights.

AI in CRM makes for an effective resource because of its broad scope-

  • It can collect and process large amounts of data instantly
  • It can analyze historical patterns and predict future demand and behavior
  • It is capable of understanding natural language
  • It can easily calculate risks and solve problems

The benefits of AI in your CRM activities are manifold. Let’s dive into them in detail.

Why You Must Combine Artificial Intelligence with CRM

Integrating AI and CRM will help you access a more personalized and predictive customer experience. Here’s why you must consider AI-driven CRM in your business-

1. Improve Efficiency

Improve Efficiency

New technological developments have introduced businesses to virtual assistants, bots, and voice recognition. They eliminate tedious processes, help you interact with customers efficiently, and speed up the sales cycle. They also help you run accurate and relevant marketing campaigns and boost lead generation. By automating these processes end-to-end, you can also prevent human errors.

2. Accurate Predictions

When you power your CRM with AI, it will be able to evaluate the past decisions and buying patterns of your customers to identify ideal sales leads. AI helps you predict the future behavior of customers by evaluating their emotions and establishing strategies to improve engagement. It enables you to understand and deliver exactly what your customers want, when, and how they want it.

3. Quick Segmentation

Quick Segmentation

Artificial Intelligence makes it easier to segment your customers. How? By using intelligent algorithms. It automates customer segmentation, ensuring your message reaches the right group of potential customers at the right time. This means that you no longer have to stress about entering customer data manually or about the time it takes to search for information. In short, AI helps your teams be more productive. It also adds value to existing datasets and helps you draw better conclusions, aiding in data enrichment.

4. Increased Customer Engagement

AI-driven CRM also drives customer engagement. With the latest powerful tools at its disposal, like sentiment analysis and image recognition, AI helps you get deeper emotional insights into your customers. It allows you to understand the satisfaction of your quality leads in real-time, identify problem areas, and take corrective measures. As a result, you can create target campaigns that improve customer engagement, humanizes brand interaction, and allows you to connect with potential customers beyond sales.

5. Convert More Leads

Convert More Leads

AI-based CRM can quickly analyze different situations where sales were successful or rejected. This helps you identify patterns and similarities and determine strategies that work better than the rest. You can also use AI to optimize your prices. For example, you can use the algorithm to determine the ideal discount rate to convert more leads. This helps you target warm leads instead of nurturing the ones least likely to close deals.

6. Optimize Sales Strategy

Intelligent data analysis and automated data entry help you create accurate profiles of potential leads more likely to convert into customers. They allow you to predict their buying behavior and share relevant content that interests them. This promotes a positive image of your brand, increasing the number of potential leads. You can also use AI-driven CRM to analyze customers’ emotions and draft strategies that boost customer engagement.

7. Instant Interactions

Instant Interactions

In today’s digital era, your customers expect everything instantly, including communications. But manually managing all phone calls and email inquiries 24/7 is impossible unless you have a dedicated team working round the clock. This is where AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants come into the picture. While they’re not the perfect fit for every interaction, they are highly effective in answering common questions and following up with new leads. This ensures you don’t accidentally ghost a warm lead and encourages your team to focus on more value-adding activities.

8. Better Customer Service

AI in CRM is effective in providing better customer service. It analyzes customer information in your CRM, including their behavioral and purchasing patterns. This helps you understand your customers better and share targeted messages that are relevant to them. For example, the marketing head of an FMCG company will have different interests and pain points as compared to the marketing head of a creative agency. Simply understanding their interests will help you hyper-personalize your marketing content, extend more personalized offers, and create a strong relationship with them. This, in turn, allows you to offer enhanced customer service at every stage of the sales funnel.

To Sum Up

The primary objective of CRM is to understand your customers better and offer them valuable content that is personalized to their needs. But companies mostly use this system to collect, store, and provide data per customers’ request. AI takes this a step further by extracting, analyzing, and interpreting it, giving true value to the data.

But to make the most of this powerful combination, you need to start with a solid database of B2B sales leads. With Span Global Services, you can get your hands on the most comprehensive, accurate, and verified data of your target audience across the globe. What’s more? You can also customize the database to fit the unique requirements of your business and enjoy our email append and data enrichment services.

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