6 Strategies to Boost Customer Confidence in Email Marketing Campaigns

It’s easy to believe that email is becoming obsolete as a result of the rise of fast-paced social media videos and interactive blog content. Today’s audiences have shorter attention spans than ever before, and they’ve been conditioned to demand more interesting material.

Despite new media coming into picture, and user interest diminishing, emails have stood the test of time. Because email is accessible and highly visible, it’s one of the finest methods to inspire customers to participate with your brand community. It gives you the perfect opportunity to demonstrate new and returning customers exactly what your brand is and why they should fall in love with you.

Email vs Social Media

Source: OptinMonster

Let’s, therefore, look at six strategies you must include in emails to boost customer confidence in email marketing:

1. Stir customer interest with catchy Subject Lines

Your emails must pique people’s curiosity in order to create conversions. As a result, the subject line of any email marketing campaign is crucial in boosting client confidence. Take the following example:

  1. “Is your customer database healthy?”
  2. “Provide your sales team a robust customer database”.

Which one is better? Option ‘a’ or ‘b’?

Avoid pitching products in your subject line unless you have a unique deal or giveaway. Customer confidence may be lowered if your subject line is too salesy. If you must use the subject line to sell, focus on the benefits rather than the product.

Also, keep in mind that spam filters in emails are becoming increasingly smarter. As far as possible, you should avoid employing spammy language. This was far more significant a few years ago than it is now, but you should still pay attention to the words you use.

2. Convey your brand message with attractive Design

Most email marketing management platforms come with a good selection of pre-designed templates as well as additional design capabilities. A custom HTML design is also an option. A unique design or eye-catching template can effectively communicate your business message while also looking good. If you use too many visual elements, you risk distracting your readers from your conversion goal. Simplicity is the best policy.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Gmail and most other email providers, on the other hand, do not normally display photos automatically. Furthermore, most spam filters will automatically send an email containing too many photos to the spam folder. To guarantee high deliverability, try to keep graphics to no more than 25-30% of your email.

While you shouldn’t utilize a picture for your call to action (CTA) for obvious reasons, designing your CTA as an action button is a terrific option. Your readers should be able to figure out where they need to click right away. Your CTA must stand out. Another important thing to note is to use dark text on a light backdrop. It converts considerably better than utilizing colored or dark backgrounds since it is more inviting to the eye.

3. Write engaging Content

You can proceed to the content if you are certain that the aforementioned points have been addressed. Whether a person clicks through, bounces, or unsubscribes is usually determined by the content.

Your viewers are less likely to read your email all the way to your CTA if it is too long. If you feel it’s critical to create a detailed email, start by providing crucial information in the form of bullet points, followed by your CTA, and then go on to provide more details below. In terms of content, headline, style, and feel, your email should complement your landing page. Your viewers should be able to see the link between the email they clicked and the page they’re on right away.

4. Deliver exceptional ease in UX

There are a plethora of tools available to help you create emails, assess subject lines, and run A/B split testing to see which version of your email converts the best. Some of these programs include spam filters and even human reviewers. To enhance email CTR and more, you should choose appropriate solutions for your business needs and make use of all essential capabilities.

Google Analytics, as well as the software provided by your email marketing platform, can be used to track conversions. Try to figure out why some emails convert better than others. Learn from your mistakes and don’t be frightened to try new things.

When it comes to opening emails, mobile phones are becoming the most popular option. In today’s world, 81 percent of emails are opened on a mobile device. Even if you’re designing your campaign on a desktop computer, keep your target audience in mind. Because mobile devices account for the majority of email CTR, it’s critical to test your drafts on as many mobile devices as possible.

Finally, everybody who works in email marketing should be aware of the CAN-SPAM Act. If you break these laws, you may face legal consequences. If you hire someone else to handle your email marketing, be sure they follow the law’s recommended best practices.


You receive the benefits of engaged, excited community members who are devoted to connecting with you and sharing your brand with others when customers have confidence in your emails. Leveraging the strategies on this list, you’ll be able to cultivate as much confidence as possible with your consumers.

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