20 Ways to Generate Greater ROI with your Email Lists

Strategies that works to generate ROI with the email list

An email list is typically seen as a list of contacts through which you drive a focused email campaign with all that you got to offer. But you ever had the feeling that the vendor made a lot of promises with their email lists but results were nothing close to what was projected? Well, we all did at some point. So, what are the contributing factors? Is it the list quality, wrong strategy focus or a target mismatch? Or does the bigger picture hint on something else altogether?

OK, your list did not yield great results. But what’s the way forward?

There’s a lot more you could do with your customer database that goes beyond just running a few email marketing campaigns.  The problem might not be as intense as it seems. A simple solution for re-purposing can do the trick for you. Re-purposing in this context implies applying various techniques to make the most of your list purchase. All it takes is a little planning and strategy. Here are 20 powerful ways through which you can generate greater ROI and unleash superior results with your current list:

  1. Email campaigns – There’s nothing new about this one. You got the list to run campaigns yes, however, there’s more to it. Analyze results of your previous campaigns. With campaign results & forecasts you can gauge what your core audience is truly looking for. Tweak your messaging and offering basis the need. This will drive greater results for you. A generic campaign will not fetch you results unless it’s channelized to the right audience. Try List segmentation.
  1. List Segmentation – With the help of a marketing automation tool, divide your email list into smaller subsets or groups based on audience characteristics like interests, job titles, keywords, geography, demographics, firmographics etc. Segmenting your email list can help you speak more intelligently and directly with your customers, giving them information that they want at the opportune time. And when you do it right, the payoff will be amazing.
  1. Customer Profiling: Customer profiling is a way to create a portrait of your customers that will help you make decisions concerning your service. Cluster your customers into smaller segments basis common traits, characteristics, and behaviors. Grouping customers into segments enable brands to focus on tailored marketing communications to specific types of customers, across channels. With the burgeoning amount of data that is generated today it’s an imperative to opt for customer profiling and share relevant customer messages to stand out as a brand.
  1. Appending: Data Decay is a continuous and inevitable process. The only way to ensure accuracy is to keep it accurate, active and updated. By periodically appending missing information to your data set you can increase performance efficiency & relevance of your campaigns. Appending is regarded as one of the most crucial factors that boost ROI today.  Seek custom appending services and gain a deeper understanding of your target customers’ characteristics. And implement robust business strategies for sustainable growth and create new business opportunities.
  1. IT Budget Append – Get your contact lists appended with IT budget information. It’s one of the most sought for details in the Tech market today. Collaborate with a trusted data solutions vendor who can give you credible information about the companies you wish to target. With this information added to your list, you can now package your Tech offerings keeping in mind the budgets your target can afford. This gives you a lot of leverage to plan and package your offerings for greater returns.
  1. Opt-in Campaigns – Reinvigorate a stale email list with an opt-in campaign. Create an engaging opt-in message and send it to your old list encouraging contacts who wish to re-opt-in with a promise to remove all contacts who don’t respond. Though it might seem counter-intuitive to remove contacts from your email lists in order to grow them, emailing only engaged contacts improves your deliver-ability ratio and increases the odds of your email getting shared and referred to those outside your current contacts database.
  1. SMS Campaign – A great SMS marketing service makes it easy to customize your text message campaigns to the needs of your SMS subscribers. Either share a handful of messages to a targeted group or send bulk SMS messages to your entire list. Also, many SMS services easily integrate into your other online marketing strategies. It’s extremely cost-effective in comparison to the other marketing techniques and is very powerful when used in conjunction with other campaigns.
  2. Tele-calling campaign– Tele-marketing offers a wide range of benefits which will give you an added advantage to your business. It’s an easy and effective way to increase your profits and promote your product or service. The main benefit of using telemarketing to promote your business is that it allows you to immediately gauge your customer’s level of interest in your offerings. Additionally, it boosts lead generation and appointment setting that can attribute to a greater number of deal closures.
  1. Multi-Channel Campaigns – Multi-Channel Marketing has a series of benefits, not just in terms of increasing sales but also business growth. Using a wide range of different channels enables a much wider reach, making your business potentially visible to customers and prospects. With the help of analytics it easy to understand and measure the impact of each channel. This will enable you to effectively strategize for specific markets and target groups via specific combinations of channels.
  2. Newsletters: Share Newsletter subscription Opt-ins with your contacts. Newsletter subscribers are valuable soft leads that could eventually end up as full-fledged customers or clients with the right amount of subtle persuasion. One way to get them on-board is to remind them of the subscriber-only benefits, like your latest and exclusive white papers, free download kits etc.
  1. Good-will greetings: Share timely and periodic good-will wishes to your contact list. Make sure you get the most out of email greetings. An E-card is a good way to reach the ultimate number of customers and also boost your sales during the holiday season if that’s something you can offer.
  1. Social Targeting– Social media is rapidly evolving and attracts millions of users around the globe. Social reaches more people, and when used rightly it can help generate awareness, leads, followers, product views, purchases, and a lot more. Do some research, test audiences, and discover which social platforms fit your brand and company goals. It’s very likely that your customers or potential customers are on at least one of these social platforms. Collaborate with an industry expert who can create a powerful social media strategy for you.
  1. Retargeting ads: Retargeting is the strategy of targeting the audience who showed some interest in your products or services by visiting your website. Rather than trying to attract first-time visitors who may or may not convert, retargeting strives to get repeat visitors who are more likely to convert. Remember to keep your message short and crisp. Highlight the main offering and incorporate a visual appeal. Once you see how powerful re-targeting can be, you’ll find yourself using this as a must-have tool in your overall lead generation strategy.
  1. Webinars: Webinars offer real-time connectivity and interaction. They are the highest converting online medium with sales conversion rates on average between 10%-20%. You don’t need more reason to host a webinar for your business. However, it does require a certain level of expertise to run a webinar. If you are not too confident about the operational and technical assistance available in-house, seek the services of an expert who can host a webinar for you. With the help of a robust marketing automation tool, you can deliver quality webinars to your clients.
  1. Survey: It’s one of the most seamless and cost-effective tools to understand what your audience truly cares about. By using surveys routinely, you can demonstrate that you value your customer’s opinions while also gaining important information about the kinds of product, services, and enhancements they might be willing to actually pay for. An important tip to keep in mind is to keep the survey short & to the point to ensure a higher response.
  1. Event Invites: Share event invites to your contact list. Let them know you are attending or exhibiting at an event. Run customized event campaigns to your list at periodic interim’s setting reminders and share benefits of how this event can help their business. Schedule time for one on one meeting’s during the event. This helps as an exceptional tool for creating engagement & building your brand image.
  1. Thought Leadership Content – Thought leadership is about gaining insight into what people will pay attention to. It requires targeted focus where you share content that gives insights and helps to address your customers’ core business challenges. Create trusted advisor-ship with the help of this valuable aid. Give them innovative and actionable business insights that offer immense value and support.
  1. Personalized Offers: Personalized marketing is one of the most powerful trends in the digital arena today. It helps to create deeper prospect relationships. The right degree of personalization with the right offers makes prospects feel that you really understand them. If you continue deploying personalization throughout their relationship with you, they are much more likely to see you as a trusted partner in achieving their goals.
  1. Video Content – Your customers are watching more videos than ever. Close to 92% of B2B prospects consume online videos today. It’s one of the most powerful platforms to share your message across all platforms. Distributing videos via social media, posting them on blogs and embedding them on your website increases the likelihood that your target audience will find you when searching for relevant information.

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  1. Packaged Solutions – Add value to your key customers and accounts with holistic solutions. This requires you to act as a consultant whereby you research and analyze your customers business and identify areas that can be optimized with your offerings. Make suggestions and additionally package it with a good discount and show the benefits of applying these services to your customers and prospects business.

Analyze each of these solutions comprehensively. Understand which one of them compliments your core business offerings. Screen the best-suited platform and strategize the messaging to create a powerful impact on your core audience. With all of these robust strategies added to your marketing endeavors, your business is bound to accomplish greater realms of performance success.

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